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Stretched Canvas Print from Your File


Order a fine art canvas print of your image file on artist quality canvas in a range of standard sizes. If an image file is not included in your submission, we will contact you to arrange access to the file. If you can’t upload the file here and need to send it some other way, or if you need a digital image made of your artwork, contact us for other arrangements.

Canvas prints cost a bit more than paper prints because of the need for stretching or mounting, but you save on framing because you won’t need a mat or glazing (glass), and in the case of gallery wraps, you don’t even need a frame.

SKU: FAPFYF05 Category: Tag:


Order a fine art canvas print of your image file on artist quality canvas in a range of standard sizes. If an image file is not included in your submission, we will contact you to arrange access to the file. If you can’t upload the file here and need to send it some other way, or if you need a digital image made of your artwork, contact us for other arrangements.

Canvas prints cost a bit more than paper prints because of the need for stretching, but you save on framing because you won’t need a mat or glazing (glass), and in the case of gallery wraps, you don’t even need a frame.

The canvas prints you can order here are offered on the following supports:

3/4″ Regular Stretcher Bars:  Standard size stretcher bars (3/4″ x 1 11/16″) with keys

1 1/4″ Deep Stretcher Bars: Deep stretcher bars (1 1/4″ x 1 1/2″) suitable for gallery wraps. A gallery wrap is a stretched canvas intended for hanging without the need for a frame. Corners include keys for adjusting tension.

ATTENTION: Please note that the quality of the print will depend on the quality and resolution of the image! Please avoid custom color profiles. Ideal resolution is 300 dpi, though good results are possible at lower resolutions. If we find anything that would indicate a problem with quality, we will contact you to discuss your options. If you need image editing (cropping, color correction, scratch removal, etc.), we offer complete image editing services at an additional cost. Contact us for details.