Kids Art Discovery Class Registration

Kids Classes Registration

  • Student Information

    You will need to sign the paper permission form before your child can start attending classes. If renewing, you only need to fill out required fields: student name and permissions. If new registration, please fill out everything that applies.
  • Please enter a number from 5 to 17.
  • Medical and Emergency Information

  • Other adults who may pick up your child (ID will be required)
  • Emergency Contacts

    Name of friend(s) or relative(s) in the area who may be notified if unable to locate parent(s). If a child becomes sick while at the center, the child MUST be picked up and taken home, if not picked up by you then by someone else. No exceptions.
  • I will notify the center if there is a change in the above arrangements. In case of an emergency, I understand the center will try to contact the parent. In the event that the parent cannot be reached, permission is given for the Art Center to take my child to an emergency hospital by ambulance if necessary.
  • I grant permission to the Art Center to take photographs of my child for the sole purposes of advertising, scrapbooking, and/or inclusion in local newspaper articles.
  • Include details about class requirements, preferred scheduling options, and any questions you may have.
  • $0.00